Saturday, January 13, 2018

Cheese fatayer puff pastry recipe

Cheese fatayer puff pastry

Serves 12
15 Mins


6 Kiri® square portions
100g mozzarella cheese
30g double cream cheese
2 tablespoons canned pesto sauce
Readymade puff pastry
6 dried tomatoes (chopped)

For the cream:

2 kiri squares
1 tablespoon double cream cheese
2 tablespoons Kiri® (jar)

Cooking Directions

1 Combine the mozzarella, the double cream, the Kiri squares and dried tomatoes using a blender.

2 Cut the pastry into 12 circles and spread a little pesto sauce on each one of them.

3 Place 1 tablespoon of stuffing over each pastry circle.

4 Seal the fatayer and bake them in a pre-heated oven for 15 minutes or until golden.